* As far as we know.

The Beginning
Genesis 1-11
New Volleyball Translation

1In the beginning AA Sports created the volleyball campout. 2And the campout was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of AA Sports moved upon the face of the campground; and tents and volleyball nets were set up. 3And AA Sports said, Let there be a campfire: and there was a campfire. 4And AA Sports saw the campfire, that it was good: and the ring of chairs divided the light from the darkness. 5And the evening and the morning were the first day.

6And AA Sports said, Let there be a tournament in the midst of the open field, and let it divide the champions from the losers. 7And AA Sports made the tournament, and divided the players into teams by a fair and impartial blind draw, except that it be seeded by abilities: and it was so. 8And AA Sports called the tournament a Drunk-n-Draw, and required every player to quaff a "breakfast beer" to start, and another beer before each game. Then there was dinner and another campfire. And it was good. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

9And on the third day, AA Sports declared that the nets should remain open for all to play pickup games, who were not too sore or hungover. And their numbers were not many early in the morn, but increased as the day lengthened. 10And as the afternoon progressed, the various players bade their goodbyes and began to make their ways home. 11And AA Sports saw every thing that had been made, and, behold, it was very good.
2010 campout
Maple Leaf Park, Earlville, IL
August 6 – 8, 2010!

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History of the campout.

Over the years the campout has been held at different locations and organized by different individuals. Click on the History button to see a chart.

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